Sunday, April 27, 2008

Back again, back again...finally

The last move (hopefully in a long while). I've moved back to Park Slope to my new homesweethome. Glad to be putting down a few roots and live like an adult, somewhat.

The view from my front terrace.

A belated farewell to Washington Heights

I'm behind on everything, it seems. I left WH about 2 weeks ago...but only got internet a few days ago so I'm sorta excused.

The George Washington Bridge on different days...

close up of wall

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Eminent Domain

Went down to Atlanta again about 3 weeks ago. This time, I visited more houses on the street slated for destruction. My parents have to move out by the end of April and the house they have lived in for almost 25 years will be destroyed shortly after.

Most of the houses are already empty.

The bottom of the mural reads, "Christmas '97. With Love. Mrs Bean." This is the house where we found some old pornos and various other paraphernalia. Funny what people leave behind...

It's only been a few months that these houses have been abandoned and already nature is beginning to take over. I love that.

Windows are clearly the favorite item for scavengers to take. I'm glad that people are doing least some parts of the houses will be put to good use.

I know I'll be horribly sad when the house is destoyed. Most of my childhood memories (both good and bad) are from that house. The one thing that comforts me is that some of the trees on the property will be saved. One day I'll be able to go back and visit the trees that sort of grew up with me.